Balcombe Creek Estuary Boardwalk is a favourite dog-friendly walking trail in Mount Martha. This easy, flat trail, spanning a total return distance of approximately 5 km, offers a delightful experience for those seeking a leisurely walk amidst nature.

Balcombe Creek view from dog friendly path

As you step onto the raised wooden boardwalk, you're instantly transported into a world of natural tranquillity. You'll find yourself strolling along the peaceful Balcombe Creek, where the gentle sounds of flowing water and local birdlife create a soothing backdrop.

The beauty of this trail lies in its simplicity and natural charm. The dense mangroves that line the path provide a stunning green canopy and ensure a relaxed, shaded walk, even on the sunniest days. This natural shade makes the boardwalk a perfect spot for a comfortable stroll away from the harsh Australian sun with your dog.

Dog Friendly trail in Mount Martha along Balcombe Estuary Boardwalk

As you wander, look for the local wildlife. The area is a haven for birds, frogs, and other reptiles, each adding to the rich tapestry of the ecosystem. It's a gentle reminder of the diverse life in these parts.

However, like any natural reserve, it's wise to stay cautious, especially during summer. Snakes are known to visit the trail, so keeping your dog on a leash and staying vigilant is best. Safety first, as they say!

Balcombe Creek Boardwalk Seating

One thing to note, particularly for those planning an evening walk, is the absence of lighting along the trail. As the sun sets, the boardwalk can become quite dark. It's a natural setting in its truest form, so preparing with a torch or planning your walk during daylight hours is recommended.

Amenities Along This Dog-Friendly Trail

When planning your visit to the Balcombe Creek Estuary Boardwalk, it's good to know about the amenities available to make your walk comfortable and enjoyable. This dog-friendly trail in Mount Martha, designed with convenience in mind, offers several facilities to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Dog water station at Balcombe Creek in Mount Martha

  • Seating and Rest Areas: You'll find a few seating spots scattered along the boardwalk. These are perfect for taking a moment to soak in the scenery and rest your legs.
  • Parking and Initial Facilities: Parking is conveniently available at the Mirang Avenue entrance for those driving to the boardwalk. This entrance is the main access point to the trail and is equipped with the primary amenities you'll need. Here, you'll find public toilets – a must-know for any visitor.
  • Water and Bin Access: Water facilities and bins are located only at the Mirang Avenue entrance. While this is convenient for the start or end of your walk, it's essential to plan accordingly for the trail itself. There are no water points along the boardwalk, so we recommend bringing a portable dog water bottle to keep your pet hydrated, especially on warmer days.
  • Dog bags and Bins: Waste bags are not provided on-site, so it's crucial to come prepared with your own. Keeping the trail clean and tidy is not only considerate to other visitors but also helps preserve the area's natural beauty.


A Bit of History & Culture

This beautiful dog-friendly walking trail in Mount Martha is more than just a walk; it’s a journey through the area's rich history and diverse nature.

Indigenous Roots

Known initially as Tji’tjin’garook by the Boonerwrung people, the traditional custodians of the land, this name highlights the area's deep connection to nature, especially the chorus of frogs along the creek.

Wildlife Wonders

The boardwalk is a haven for a variety of animals. You might see fascinating reptiles like skinks and a range of birds, from tiny robins to large kookaburras and black cockatoos. Mammals like echidnas, possums, and occasionally koalas also call this place home.

Flora and Changes Over Time

The landscape around the boardwalk has changed a lot. Where once there were woodlands of banksia and manna gums, now you’ll find areas with tea trees. The undergrowth is rich with native orchids and grasses. You’ll see swamp paperbark trees along the creek, with different plants growing depending on how salty and wet the soil is.

Location & Visiting

Visiting the Balcombe Creek Estuary Boardwalk is easy and enjoyable. For easy access, head to the Mirang Avenue entrance. You’ll find plenty of parking here, which is perfect for starting your walk stress-free. Plus, this entrance has added conveniences like public toilets and covered picnic areas, which are ideal for a BBQ or a relaxed meal outdoors.