If you're a dog owner living in South Melbourne, chances are you're always on the lookout for the perfect off-leash park where your four-legged friend can run, jump, and just be their playful self. Say hello to Eastern Reserve Dog Park. This small park, spread across approximately 2300 sq meters, is an off-leash haven for your fur-babies from 7 am to 8 pm. Though compact, the park's size makes it an excellent choice for smaller dogs who don't need a ton of space to let off steam but still want to have a romp around.

One of the park's standout features is the dedicated off-leash area, fully enclosed with high fences for added peace of mind. It's accessible through multiple single gates, which means less congestion and smoother entries and exits for you and your playful pup.

Gravel area of Eastern Reserve Dog Park

A noteworthy feature of the Eastern Reserve Dog Park is its terrain. The park is primarily covered in gravel, which provides a clean, mud-free space for your dog to play, even in wet conditions. This is especially handy after a heavy rain, when the smaller grassy patches in the park can get a bit muddy and sometimes flood. Though not always perfectly maintained, these patches offer a little slice of green for your pet to enjoy on those sun-drenched days.

Park Facilities

Another highlight of Eastern Reserve Dog Park is its lighting, which illuminates the area in the early evening. This thoughtful feature ensures that you and your pet can enjoy safe and fun outdoor playtime, even after the sun has set.

Don't worry about your pup getting thirsty after all that play either. The park provides a water tap with a bowl to ensure that your furry friend stays well-hydrated.

Just across the road from Eastern Reserve Dog Park, there's a bonus feature for families: a children's playground. This provides an excellent opportunity to combine dog walking and family outing time. While dogs are welcomed in this area, they must be kept on a leash to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.

Location & Parking

Located in the heart of South Melbourne, Eastern Reserve Dog Park is a bustling hub for local dog owners. However, while the park is a paradise for pets, it's worth noting that parking can be a bit challenging.

Parking spaces in the area are limited and much of the parking is ticketed from 8am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. If you're planning to drive, be prepared to park a bit further away during peak times or purchase a ticket.

But don't let the parking situation discourage you! The park's location is easily accessible for those living or shopping in the area. It's just a 7-minute walk from Clarendon Street, and 10-minute from The Pet Grocer where you can spoil you pooch to so healthy tasty treats.

The park is a lively spot and sees the most foot (and paw) traffic on weekdays between 3pm and 6pm, and on weekends from 9am to 11am, and again from 3pm to 6pm. So, if you and your furry friend enjoy socialising, these are the perfect times to visit!