August in Melbourne isn’t just about surviving the tail end of winter; it’s about making a difference with every step you take, all thanks to the Pawgust fundraiser. Whether you’re a seasoned dog walker or just a dog lover looking to support a great cause, Pawgust offers an incredible opportunity to get active and raise funds for Guide Dogs Australia.

Pawgust is a fun and impactful initiative that challenges individuals and workplaces to commit to walking their dogs for as little as 30 minutes a day throughout August. This isn’t just about keeping fit; it’s a vital fundraiser to train Guide Dogs, who will go on to provide essential support to Australians with low vision or blindness.

The Challenge: Get Your Paws Moving

The core of the Pawgust campaign is the challenge to walk your dog daily. As dog owners, we’re already doing this, right? But now you can be doing it while supporting a great cause. So how does it work?

  1. Sign up for free; you don’t need a dog to participate! Choose to walk or run and set your target (60km, 100km, or 125km).
  2. Share your fundraising page and ask your family, friends, and coworkers to sponsor your challenge and raise funds for Guide Dogs.
  3. Get active by walking or running throughout August (with or without a dog) and feel fantastic knowing you are supporting Guide Dogs.

By registering on the Pawgust website, participants commit to this healthy habit and use the opportunity to fundraise by garnering sponsorships from friends, family, and colleagues. It’s a perfect fit for anyone looking to make daily dog walks more meaningful.

Why Pawgust Guide Dogs Matters

Did you know it costs over $50,000 to breed, raise and train a Guide Dog? The funds raised during Pawgust go directly towards training puppies to become Guide Dogs. This training is extensive, expensive, and essential. Guide Dogs offer mobility, companionship, and independence to those in need. Every step you take during the challenge helps cover training costs like veterinary care, food, and the all-important training sessions.

How to Get Involved in Pawgust

Getting involved is easy! Head over to the Pawgust website to register as an individual or as part of a team. Once registered, you’ll receive a welcome pack and detailed information on how to start fundraising and tracking your progress.

Pawgust For Workplaces

Pawgust extends a special invitation to workplaces to join the challenge. This is an excellent team-building opportunity that promotes health and wellness among employees while supporting a noble cause. Workplaces can compete internally or against others to see who can log the most minutes and raise the most funds.

Rewards and Incentives

To make things exciting, Pawgust doesn’t just ask for your commitment; it rewards it! Participants can earn various exclusive Pawgust merchandise and special recognitions. The incentives are designed to keep morale high and donations flowing.

Let’s Help Guide Dogs Australia Together

Every step you take this August can help change lives. So, lace up your walking shoes, grab your furry friend’s leash, and join the Pawgust challenge. It’s a fantastic way to stay active, bond with your pet, and support a cause that keeps giving. Together, let’s step forward for a cause worth walking for!

Sign Up Today!