Waverley Oval in Malvern East is a mixed bag for dog owners. While it's a convenient spot with easy access from nearby main roads and the freeway, the location has some significant drawbacks. The oval is surrounded by busy roads, which can make the area quite noisy, and though the park is mainly fenced, the open gates can be a concern for dogs that like to wander.

The shared space with a football oval means that the off-leash area is off-limits during weekend games, limiting availability. On the plus side, the grounds are well-maintained with short grass, and there's plenty of shaded seating along the perimeter, but these positives might not outweigh the cons for some dog owners.

Off Lead are at Wavelry Oval

Waverley Oval Off-Leash Amenities

Waverley Oval does offer standard dog park amenities for your convenience.

  • Dog Bag Dispensers: These are available but not always well-stocked. It's wise to bring your own bags just in case.
  • Dog Water Station: Keeping your dog hydrated with the on-site dedicated water station is easy.
  • Shaded Seating: Along the perimeter of the park, you'll find plenty of shaded seating. 

Waverly Oval seating benches. Malvern East

Visiting Waverley Oval

The timing of your visit to Waverley Oval can greatly impact your experience. During the week, the park is relatively quiet, offering a decent space for your dog to roam. However, Saturdays are a different story. The oval is used for regular football games, which means dogs aren't allowed on the grounds during these times.

Being right next to East Malvern Train Station is convenient if you're coming by public transport. The station's proximity means commuters often take parking spaces on weekdays. You might have better luck finding a spot on Sylvester Crescent or Seymour Street.

Off-Leash Rules Stonnington Council

Stonnington Council's off-leash rules are straightforward but crucial to follow. Know the rules to avoid fines or conflicts with other park users:

  • Pick Up After Your Dog: Dog owners are expected to clean up after their pets, though the bag dispensers provided are only sometimes stocked, so bringing your own is a good idea.
  • Keep Your Dog On-Leash Outside Designated Areas: Dogs must be kept on a leash unless in the designated off-leash area.
  • Avoid Garden Beds and Playgrounds: Dogs must be kept off garden beds and playgrounds.
  • Respect Spark's design Community Activities: On game days, dogs are not allowed on the oval, which can severely limit your use of the park if you visit on weekends.
  • Carry a Lead: Always have a lead on hand to control your dog, especially given the open gates and proximity to traffic.