
The Yap Pack, owned and operated by Soak Digital PTY LTD, is committed to providing high-quality and engaging content about dog-friendly businesses and experiences across Melbourne. Our editorial principles are as follows:

Independence, Integrity & Responsibility

The trust and respect of The Yap Pack readership rely on our editorial independence, integrity, and responsibility. As a reader-centric publication, we uphold these values at all times.

Accuracy, Clarity & Fairness

We strive to ensure that factual material in our content is accurate, well-researched, and clearly distinguishable from opinion pieces. Our content is presented with reasonable fairness and balance. When quoting sources or social media posts, we ensure clarity about the origin of the information and present it fairly, including reasonable counterarguments to major claims.

Corrections and Remedial Actions

If any published material is found to be inaccurate or misleading, we will provide a correction or other sufficient remedial action. Significant corrections will be noted at the end of the affected article with the date and context. This does not include minor spelling or grammatical errors. Other remedial actions may include:

  • Adding clarifications to provide additional context.
  • Updating the article with new information.
  • Issuing retractions for articles with significant errors.
  • Providing public apologies if the error caused harm or offense.
  • Removing the flawed content from our website.
  • Notifying readers of corrections or updates through our newsletter or dedicated website section.
  • Conducting internal reviews to prevent future errors.

Privacy & Avoidance of Harm

We respect the privacy of individuals and seek to balance public interest with respect for privacy when disclosing information. We strive to avoid causing harm through our reporting and are committed to creating content that informs and educates our audience, while being mindful of potential offense.

Conflict of Interest

We maintain editorial independence and integrity. Our team members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including financial relationships with businesses or products mentioned in their content.

Complaints Policy

We value our close relationship with our readers and are committed to addressing any mistakes or issues. Our complaints policy includes:

  1. Consideration: To make a complaint, contact The Yap Pack’s editor at [email protected]. You will receive a notification that your complaint has been received and details on how we plan to address it.
  2. Review: The issue will be reviewed by our editor and relevant journalists. We will consider whether the issue conflicts with our editorial policy.
  3. Address: If a breach of our editorial policy is found, we will:
    • Correct the article, with a note at the end of the piece indicating the changes.
    • Remove the content if there has been a serious breach.
    • Apologize publicly in serious cases, consulting the complainant on the wording and placement.
  4. Escalation: If our response is deemed insufficient, a complaint may be submitted to the APC Press Complaints Commission for further review at https://www.presscouncil.org.au/complaints/.

Further Articles

In addition to reviews, we publish informational articles related to dog-friendly experiences and businesses. These articles follow the same content guidelines and review processes.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns about our editorial policy, please contact us at [email protected].