Our spirited beaglier, Archie, is the embodiment of joy during his daily park runs. However, from a young age, he began showing signs of dog allergies, evident on his skin, paws, and occasionally, those adorable floppy ears. It’s heart-wrenching to watch our beloved fur babies struggle with discomfort. So, drawing from insights provided by veterinarians and thorough research, we’ve gathered valuable information that has not only improved Archie’s quality of life but may also benefit your furry companion.

Archie the beaglie sniffing around in grass

Australia’s springtime is a visual spectacle, with its blossoms transforming the landscape into a canvas of vibrant colors. Yet, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for our pets. This season often introduces a less welcomed guest: allergies. Dogs, like humans, aren’t spared from the onslaught of seasonal allergies, with symptoms ranging from itchiness to more pronounced discomfort.

As spring sets in, the primary culprits behind these allergic reactions are often pollens from trees, grasses, and weeds. In addition, mold spores, dust mites, and other environmental allergens come into play, becoming more noticeable with the rising temperatures.

Identifying the Symptoms: Is Your Dog Experiencing Allergies?

While our dogs can’t tell us when they’re feeling under the weather, they certainly show us through various signs and behaviors. Recognizing these signals is crucial in determining if your dog might be wrestling with allergies.

Excessive scratching or licking

If you find your pet constantly scratching or licking themselves more than usual, it could be a sign of discomfort. This can be a dog’s primary way of attempting to soothe itchiness brought on by allergens.

Red, inflamed skin

A more visible indication of potential allergies is inflamed skin. This can appear as red patches, especially in areas like the armpits, groin, and between their toes. Frequent scratching can also exacerbate this redness.

Chewing on their paws

Dogs may chew on their paws to alleviate the itchiness. This behavior, especially after a walk outside, could indicate an allergic reaction to something they encountered.

Watery eyes or a runny nose

Allergens don’t just affect the skin. They can also cause respiratory or ocular symptoms. If your dog’s eyes seem watery or if they have a more frequent nasal discharge, it might be an allergic reaction.

Sneezing or coughing

Occasional sneezing or coughing can be a dog’s reaction to airborne allergens. However, if this becomes a common occurrence, it would be wise to seek advice from a vet to rule out other conditions.

Ear infections

Allergies can lead to frequent ear infections in dogs. Symptoms might include your dog shaking their head more often, scratching their ears, or an unusual and possibly unpleasant odor coming from the ears. The ears might also feel warmer than usual.

Understanding these signs and being proactive in addressing them will not only offer your dog relief but also prevent potential complications. Remember, consistent symptoms or severe reactions should always be addressed with a veterinary professional to ensure the best care for your furry friend.

Avoidence: Minimise Exmposure to Dog Allergens

While we can’t create an allergen-free bubble for our dogs, we can certainly reduce their exposure and the risk of allergic reactions. Taking preventative steps not only ensures their comfort but also saves you both from the stress and discomfort that allergies can bring.

Home Hygiene

Just as cleanliness is vital for our health, it’s equally essential for our pets. Make it a routine to vacuum your home, ensuring you pick up any allergens that might be lurking in the carpets or on the floors. Washing your dog’s bedding regularly can also keep allergens at bay. If you’re in an area with a high pollen count or other allergens, consider using air purifiers to maintain a cleaner indoor environment.

Post-Adventure Paw Care

Dogs are curious creatures, and their paws come into contact with numerous allergens during their outdoor explorations. Rinsing their paws after each walk or adventure can help remove these irritants. For a quick and eco-friendly cleaning solution, we love using Dog Wipes by Dr Lisa. These wipes are not only plant-based and vegan-friendly but are also 100% compostable, making them a win for both your dog and the environment.

Puppy showing paw

Timing Their Walks

While morning walks might be a cherished routine, it’s essential to note that pollen counts are typically at their peak in the early hours. If you live in an area prone to high pollen counts, consider rescheduling your walks to later in the day when the levels drop, ensuring a more comfortable experience for your pup. Stay updated with local pollen count forecasts; this will help you plan your outdoor activities during times when allergen levels are relatively low.

Being proactive and taking these preventative measures can make a significant difference in your dog’s comfort and health, especially during allergy-prone seasons. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in ensuring your furry friend’s well-being!

Boosting Immunity and Improving Skin Care

A strong immune system can be a dog’s first line of defense against allergies. The foods they consume play a pivotal role in strengthening or weakening this vital system. It’s crucial to remember that every dog is unique. What works wonders for one might not necessarily be suitable for another. Therefore, any dietary changes or introductions should be made gradually and under the guidance of a veterinarian or a pet nutritionist. Regularly monitoring your dog for any signs of discomfort or allergies post dietary changes is essential to determine the efficacy of the new regimen. Let’s delve into how we can harness the power of diet to boost our dogs’ immunity and combat allergies.

Boosting Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly those found in fish oils, have natural anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating them into your dog’s diet can help reduce allergic reactions and soothe inflamed skin. However, it’s essential to ensure you’re providing the right dosage and type for your dog. We add NAS Omega Oil 3, 6 & 9 to our dogs food daily to help imprive skin and joint care.

Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes

A healthy gut can influence overall health and immunity. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria into the digestive system, while digestive enzymes aid in breaking down food, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption. Both can play a role in boosting your dog’s immune response, making them less susceptible to dog allergies.

Natural Antioxidants

Foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, spinach, and sweet potatoes, can bolster your dog’s immune system. Antioxidants combat free radicals, which can exacerbate allergic reactions.

High-Quality Protein

Ensuring your dog consumes high-quality, easily digestible protein sources can be beneficial. This not only provides them with essential amino acids but also reduces the chances of allergic reactions due to protein sources of inferior quality.

VET Treatment Approaches for Dog Allergies

Witnessing your furry friend in distress due to dog allergies can be heart-wrenching. But fret not! There are multiple treatment avenues available to alleviate their discomfort. Before diving into any treatment regimen, it’s paramount to consult a veterinarian. They will provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the most suitable course of action. Here are some of the common treatments they might suggest:

Dog gettign a Vet check for allergies


These are similar to what many humans take for allergy relief. They work by blocking the effects of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms. While there are many over-the-counter antihistamines available, never administer them without consulting your vet first. They will prescribe the right one and the correct dosage tailored for your dog’s needs.


In more acute allergy cases where the discomfort is pronounced, veterinarians might prescribe steroids. These powerful medications reduce inflammation and provide relief, but they come with their own set of precautions. It’s crucial to administer them as directed and be mindful of potential side effects.

Soothing Shampoos

The world of pet care has seen a surge in specialized products tailored for specific needs. Hypoallergenic or medicated shampoos are formulated to offer respite from itching, cleanse allergens off the skin, and provide a calming effect on inflamed areas. Regularly bathing your dog with these can be a game-changer.

Dietary Tweaks

You are what you eat, and this holds for our pets too. Sometimes, the root of allergic reactions lies in the diet. Introducing a new diet or certain supplements can bolster your dog’s immune system, making them less prone to allergies. Your vet can guide you in pinpointing potential dietary triggers and suggesting alterations.

In Conclusion: Prioritizing Our Furry Companions’ Well-being

Allergies, while a common challenge many dogs face, can be managed with the right approach, knowledge, and care. Our journey with Archie taught us the significance of timely intervention and the profound impact of both preventive measures and targeted treatments. With Australia’s ever-changing landscape and the plethora of allergens that springtime introduces, being equipped with this knowledge is vital.

dog laying in grass

From identifying initial symptoms to dietary enhancements that fortify immunity, each step we take is in pursuit of ensuring our pets lead comfortable and joyful lives. While every dog’s needs are unique, the universal truth remains: their well-being is paramount. By staying informed, proactive, and in close consultation with veterinary professionals, we can ensure our dogs navigate allergy seasons with ease and continue to revel in the joys of life. After all, the happiness and health of our furry friends enrich our lives in countless ways.